Adrian Fitzgerald Memorial Darts Tournament Waterford

Thank you so much to everyone who was involved in organising the Adrian Fitzgerald Memorial Darts Tournament in May.

A total of €4,300 was donated to HUGG which is just incredible.

This money will help us on our mission to provide suicide bereavement support to any adult in Ireland, educate the broader public on the grief which follows a suicide and bring about real change in how we engage with those who are living with this grief.

Adrian Fitzgerald Memorial Darts Tournament Waterford

Pictured from left to right: Orla Fitzgerald, Eamon Foley, Paddy Mulhearne, Dolores Mulhearne, Terence Power and Phyllis Conway (HUGG Waterford).

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CHY No. 22421. Registered Charity No. 20204480. Company Registration No. 640420.
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