Our Work

Hope and healing for anyone bereaved by suicide
“Losing a child to suicide brings unimaginable pain. But, by accepting help, taking baby steps and connecting with others who have also been bereaved, there is peace of mind and hope for new life.”

Each year in Ireland around 500 people (CSO 2020) take their own life – each suicide has a devastating and lasting impact on the families, friends and communities of those who died.

In January 2016, 11-year-old Milly Tuomey died by suicide. Devastated by her sudden death, Milly’s mother Fiona searched for a suicide support group in Dublin to help her with her grief but could not find one. So, in 2017, the first HUGG group was setup. The demand for new groups grew, so after discussion and research HUGG was established on 10 February 2018, Milly’s birthday.

Coming to accept that loss is permanent, is perhaps one of the most difficult things to do. You will never ‘get over’ the death of your loved one. But, with support and understanding you will find hope and learn to live with your grief.

Mission & Vision

Hope and healing for anyone bereaved by suicide.

To offer hope and healing by providing information, telephone support and local peer support groups led by volunteers with lived experience.

To engage with suicide research, to better inform public policy and improve bereavement services.

To collaborate with professionals and organisations in the bereavement sector to advance best practice.

To raise public awareness about suicide bereavement and be a voice for those bereaved by suicide.

To advocate for change in how state institutions engage and support with those bereaved by suicide.

We Can Help

HUGG is a peer support organisation. We provide a safe, confidential environment in which those bereaved by suicide can share their experiences and feelings, so giving and gaining support from each other. The aftermath of a suicide is shocking, debilitating, surreal, life changing. But you can learn to live with this loss. It is not easy, but we are here to help.

People who are suicide bereaved sometimes find it can be difficult for people who have not experienced suicide loss, including professionals, to understand what they are going through. Often the best conversations are had with peers – other people bereaved by suicide. Our support groups are facilitated by people who have been bereaved by suicide. The groups are open, meet fortnightly and are free of charge. You do not have to speak, there is healing in just being with those who understand your pain.

If you would like to come along to a HUGG group please fill out our 'Join a Group' form below.

For more information please email support@hugg.ie or call 01 513 4048 (monitored answering machine).

Join a Group

Practical Support: What helps?

Although the pain of suicide loss cannot be eased quickly, there are things that can help
Take ‘time out’ for activities you enjoy - allow yourself time out from the pain you’re experiencing.
Stay connected to your loved ones and supportive people around you. Don’t isolate yourself.
Find ways to honour the life of the person who has died e.g. assemble a memory box, photo album, keep a journal, share happy memories and talk about their life.
Allow people to help you; don’t be embarrassed to accept help.
Don’t be afraid to tell people how they can help, even it is just to sit with you and hold your hand in silence. Sharing with other people can reduce the sense of isolation and aloneness that comes with grief.
Stay healthy – eat healthy meals, walk in nature, try to get a good night’s sleep, avoid non-prescription drugs and keep alcohol to a minimum.
Prioritise daily tasks, do only what is essential; be kind to yourself.
Consider joining a support group to share with others who have had similar experiences. This will help you realise that you are not alone in your experience and that you will survive.
Take opportunities to join in public ceremonies where you can be private, yet part of a larger group. You can use rituals and customs that are meaningful to you.
Talk with a registered psychotherapist who will help you to process what you are going through, and to find support and comfort in expressing your grief.
“HUGG has been a very much needed support to me. To be with others who totally understand the loss is just a relief, knowing you are not alone.”
Mother who lost her daughter

Get Involved


We need your support. To provide more HUGG support groups, we need volunteers. If you have been bereaved by suicide for more than 3 years and you are interested in training to become HUGG Group Facilitator, we want to hear from you. We will provide training, support and all the backup services needed.

If you are not sure, why not try our self-survey on group facilitation here. Then, email volunteer@hugg.ie for more information.

Our Partners

We are able to continue our work due to the amazing support from our partners. To find out more about them please visit Our Partners page.

We Can Help

If you would like to come along to a HUGG Group just complete the form here 'join a group’ or call us on 01 513 4048 (monitored answering machine) or email support@hugg.ie for more information.
Join a HUGG Group

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Sign up to receive updates on HUGG such as news updates, notifications of support group meetings, additional appropriate resources, and other relevant content.
© Healing Untold Grief Groups, All rights reserved.
CHY No. 22421. Registered Charity No. 20204480. Company Registration No. 640420.
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