
HUGG is a registered charity which relies on donations to help fund our operations and keep our services free of charge

You can facilitate and encourage your staff to raise funds for HUGG in a wide range of ways and perhaps match the funds raised with a corporate donation. All funds raised are put towards running our HUGG Groups throughout the country and online. We have partnered with Clubs and Companies across Ireland who have come up with creative and exciting ways of raising funds as well as adopting HUGG as their charity of the year.

We would be delighted to hear from you, just email and we will get in touch with you.

Find out more about how you can fundraise for HUGG:
HUGG Digital Fundraising Pack
As a charity seeking donations from the public, HUGG operates within the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public as published by the Charities Regulator. Our pledge is to treat all our donors with respect, honesty and openness. We will ensure that we are accountable and transparent in every facet of our operation, so that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in all aspects of the way in which we run our organisation.

You can read our Donor Charter here >

We Can Help

If you would like to come along to a HUGG Group just complete the form here 'join a group’ or call us on 01 513 4048 (monitored answering machine) or email for more information.
Join a HUGG Group

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Sign up to receive updates on HUGG such as news updates, notifications of support group meetings, additional appropriate resources, and other relevant content.
© Healing Untold Grief Groups, All rights reserved.
CHY No. 22421. Registered Charity No. 20204480. Company Registration No. 640420.
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